The ultimate in-person plug and play program for the modern man who wants to enjoy dating and traveling.
Where to travel to?
What are the best venues?
How to meet other successful men with similar interests?
What are the best places to stay?
How to 10x your social media?
What kind of activities and events convey high value?
How to leverage technology / reach to scale your dating funnel?
How to throw parties and network events?
How to meet and initiate conversation anywhere day or night?
What are house and bedroom essentials for optimized dating?
The hardest part for most people is stepping into the unknown and getting stuck in paralysis and indecision. Not with this program! We will be living and breathing together every day for two weeks in a new country every few months. Don't know what city is the best in the world? We will pick it for you and land there with you! Don't know what is the best hotel or place to stay with S-tier logistics? We will send you the exact Google map link! Not sure what to say to a girl? We will walk up to her with you! Is your social media just pictures of cats and your mom? We will coordinate professional photoshoots in high value environments, do the editing, and even help you with the caption for your social media.
Want to do throw a party with 20+ girls but don't want to deal with the pain of marketing, sending hundreds of messages, finding the location, planning the music, the food, the drinks, the ambiance? We will do all of that while showing you step by step of how to do this in case you chose to do this on your own in the future.
Not sure which country you ultimately want to travel and stay? No worries... we got you covered because the program will cover 6 different countries in different continents!